Specialty Programs & Events

Specialty Programs

Logics Academy is a specialty robotics and aerospace education program developer and can work with your organization to custom develop projects, challenges and programs to suite your needs.

Specialty Program: MedTech Challenge

MedTech2Logics Academy in partnership with CIGITI (Center for Image Guided Innovation and Therapeutic Intervention) and kids science at Sick kids hospital are proud to present to you the MedTech Challenge!

MedTech Challenge is a medical robotics educational program for high school students. The MedTech Challenge was created to promote engineering and technology in medicine to students. The program works to foster talent and teach valuable skills to children through an innovative educational program that:

– Facilitates robotic system prototyping for medical applications
– Engages students to explore and develop skills in robotics and engineering
– Promotes creativity and drive by giving students the self-confidence to succeed and pursue hands-on, guided learning


The is a weekly workshop open to high school students in the GTA and will be held at SickKids, through a collaborative partnership between Logics Academy and CIGTI. Logics Academy is an innovator in high-quality robotics and aerospace educational programs for children. CIGITI integrates multi-modality imaging, virtual reality/ simulation packages and medical robotic technologies for novel pediatric surgical assistive systems at SickKids.


Students use the LEGO Mindstorms© kits integrated with medical tools, supplementary equipment and a medically focused robotics curriculum to engage the students in innovative, project based work. Students will work on a computer to allow them to program their robots, and build them via software-instruction based packages. Instructors from CIGITI will facilitate each weekly workshop, assisting students in prototyping and conceptual design.


MedTech1The program is designed to promote engineering and technology through fun learning opportunities for students, allowing them to explore robotics through exciting hands-on projects. The idea is to foster creativity and enthusiasm by engaging students to problem- solve and use their analytical skills to design functional robotic prototypes with practical applications. Particular emphasis will be given to applications in healthcare, as the convergence of engineering and medicine has led to innovations in imaging, surgery, and patient care.


Getting young minds engaged in this cross-disciplinary setting will promote future interest in engineering-based medical research and possibly influence career and academic choices at the high school, post-secondary and graduate levels of education.


Corporate event? Birthday party? Logics Academy is a specialty robotics and aerospace education program developer and can work with you to custom develop projects, challenges and programs to suit your needs.

Got questions? Contact us today!